禮運大同篇 (中.英版)禮運大同篇 (孔子) 大道之行也,天下為公;選賢與能,講信修睦。故人不獨親其親,不獨子其子使老有所終,壯有所用,幼有所長,矜、寡、孤、獨、廢疾者皆有所養。男有分,女有歸。貨惡其棄於地也,不必藏於設計裝潢己;力惡其不出於身也,不必為己。是故謀閉而不興,盜竊亂賊而不作;故外戶而不閉。是謂大同。白話釋義:「大道通行全世界,全世界之人皆以道心相待。選出真正賢能之人為民服務,大家非常信實和睦,道心不退,精進不懈,所以人西服們不單只親愛自己之親人;不只愛護自己之子女,同時也愛護他人之子女。使老年人退休後,能安享清福,而不辛勞終生;壯年人各有所用,而不遊手好閒;幼年人有所教養,而不放蕩成性。並且老而無妻者、老而無夫者、老而無子者、殘永慶房屋廢疾病者都能得到最妥當、最關切之照顧。男子有適當的工作,女子有很好的歸宿。物質生活非常豐足,任人享用,但不恣意浪費,且也不佔為己有,不坐享其成。雖然各盡其職各盡其力,然卻不自私為己。所以一切私心小智,陰謀詭詐永房屋買賣不發生。一切搶盜偷竊,亂賊暴徒永遠絕跡。因此外出或夜晚,門戶不必關閉也安然無事,這便是大同世界,人間淨土」。 THE CHAPTER OF GREAT HARMONY(TA TUNG) BY CONFUCIUS When the Great Principle prevails, the world is a 小額信貸Commonwealth in which rulers are selected according to their wisdom and ability.Mutual confidence is promoted and good neighborliness cultivated. Hence, men do not regard as parents only their own parents, nor 太平洋房屋do they treat as children only their own children. Provision is secured for the aged till death, employment for the able-bodied, and the mean of growing up for the young. Helpless widows and widowers, orphans 室內設計and the lonely, as well as the sick and the disable, are well cared for. Men have their respective occupations and women their homes. They do not like to see wealth lying idle, yet they do not keep it for their 居酒屋own gratification. They despise indolence,yet they do not use their energies for energies for their own benefit. In this way,selfish scheming are repressed, and robbers, thieves and other lawless men no longer 禮服exist, and there is no need for people to shut their outers. This is called theGreat Harmony(TA TUNG) .